The Bintawan National High School was created when the program propounded by Dr. Pedro Orata which is the “barangay high school” was implemented by the Department nation-wide. The pioneer leaders of Villaverde namely, Mr. Remigio M. Abalus, Sr. as “Teniente del Barrio”, and Tomas A. Almeda and two school officials namely Mr. Avelino J. Salinas and Mr. Francisco B. Bajo worked for the opening of the school.
The first classes were opened in 1968 with 67 first and second year students. The four pioneer teachers were Mrs. Filomena I. Balut, Mrs. Estrella G. Corpuz, Mrs. Filomena V. Bajo and Mrs. Norma L. Corpuz.
The classes were accommodated in the vacant rooms of Bintawan South Elementary School. The school was under the supervision and administration of Mr. Alberto A. Genato, the principal of the Nueva Vizcaya High School now Nueva Vizcaya General Comprehensive High School (NVGCHS) in Bayombong. Mrs. Lourdes de Guzman, the principal of the Bintawan South Elementary School assisted Mr. Genato in supervising the school. In fact, one of her teachers taught the high school students in a part-time basis.
During the SY 1977-78, Mrs. Filomena I. Balut was designated as the Teacher-In-Charge.
On April 7, 1983, Batas Pambansa Bilang 374, authored by Congressman Carlos M. Padilla was converted into law thus the barangay high school was converted into what it is now the Bintawan National High School. It is worth mentioning that it was Congressman Leonardo B. Perez who initiated the Bill but before it was presented to the lower house, the national election took place and it was Congressman Padilla who succeeded Congressman Perez and continued to work for the passage of the Bill.
Mrs. Filomena I. Balut served as Officer-In-Charge of the school for 9 years before she was appointed as principal on January 4, 1986. She got promoted as Principal II on July 1, 1989. After serving the school for 37 years she finally retired at the age of 61 on December 31, 2005.
Succeeding Mrs. Balut is Dr. Trinidad B. Logan on January 24, 2006 up to the present. Working with her are the 4 school head teachers, 36 regular permanent teachers, 8 non-teaching staff and 4 contractual employees.